13th child

13th Child Brewery

Anyone who lives in South Jersey, namely in the area of the Pine Barrens, has heard of the Jersey Devil. The Jersey Devil is rumored to have been the 13th child of the Leeds family. Mother Leeds has already had twelve children when she learned she was pregnant with the thirteenth. In anger and frustration, she cursed this pregnancy and soon a devil was born, complete with wings, hooves, and the head of a goat. There will be no need for cursing once you try the beer at 13th Child Brewery. In fact, you might instead be singing an angelic, "Halleluiah!"

13th Child is the brainstorm of Steve MacNamara, Justin Seavernes, and Tom Nahf. The three came up with the name after a failed attempt to name their brewery Blue Anchor. After asking the public for help with the name, an onslaught on Jersey Devil themed names poured in. Though not named specifically by the public, the Jersey Devil theme stuck, and 13th Child was born.

Located on the point between Main Street and Blue Bell Road in downtown Williamstown, 13th Child Brewery has all the charm and history a brewery can handle. Converted from a beautiful First National Bank dating back to 1906, 13th Child boasts refinished wood floors and original mosaic tile. You'll be sipping beer in a historical, revitalized relic. How cool is that?

**This excerpt is from Maureen Fitzpatrick's book Guide to New Jersey Breweries, South Jersey Edition 2019.

Contact Information

345 South Main Street, Williamstown, New Jersey 08094