Pennypacker Park
Pennypacker Park (32.27) is located in Haddonfield. It is bounded by Kings Highway, Park Boulevard and Grove Street. Hadrosaurus Foulkii Leidy In 1858, William Foulke discovered the world’s first nearly complete dinosaur skeleton. Located where a suburban Haddonfield street dead ends against the deep woods of Pennypacker Park, the site is listed on the NJ Register of Historic Places and is marked with a modest commemorative stone. Just beyond the stone the ground drops away into a steep ravine where the bones of Hadrosaurus foulkii were originally excavated on the eve of the Civil War. More information can be found at: http://www.levins.com/dinosaur.html.
Kid Friendly, Pet Friendly
Contact Information
Kings Highway, Park Boulevard and Grove Street, Haddonfield, NJ 08033